I'm Daniel I'm a Designer from Argentina.
Now I'm focused entirely on the world design and the adventures it proposes.
I have experience in Web Design, Front End Web Development (this web is entirely made by me), Graphic Design, Music Production and Recording, also I have knowledge in Digital Marketing, SEO, Programming and UI desing. I like draw, play videogames, make some music, eat pizza and I can say "hello" in English, Spanish and Italian.
Nowadays I'm learning React and I'm trying to improve my NodeJs skills.
I draw since I was 4 years old, always being my great ability as a childboy.
I never studied in an art academy, but I have tried to learn as much as I could about the techniques and different ways of expressing art.
In the world of design, I am good at all kinds of creations, since I am a very creative person, I know how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, for the visual area, and Figma and different types of wireframes for the layout of prototypes either for a web or app(UI design).
In the area of ​​web development my skills are in HTML, also in CSS, Javascript, I know how to use Boostrap, Sass, mongoDB, NodeJs, Express, I have the facility to learn quickly. In the future I would like to learn Python and C #.
In the musical environment I perform as a guitarist, but I also play bass, drums, piano, and I usually sing, I am a composer. I have experience in the use of Daws, Cakewalks Bundle is my main, besides FLStudio too, I love create music and produce it, I like to create music for video games and environmental sounds. My principal skill are song mixing and mastering, I'm currently learning 360 sound.
I like art, my point and my vision is try to do everything possible to show people to something perfect. Have you seen thetoday's websites? Cookies popups appear everywhere, and popups "please give me your email" "suscribe to the newsletter", make it impossible to navigate the current web. Have you heard the new songs? they sound almost the same and that gets boring.
Have you seen the branding of a bigs companies? There is no good designer, only people who want a salary.
Today I am focused on the world of the web to make the web more playful and friendly.
I want to make everything easier for people, if you go to a place, shop or restaurant, you want to be comfortable, the website I try to do is like this. but today is too far to catch so join with me and maybe we will make it!